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Lunch Applications
Smart Snacks In School
USDA Dietary Guidelines

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Breakfast and hot Lunch meals are offered to all students free of charge daily when students are on campus.



*Field Trip Order Form*

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Interested in CalFresh?  Please click the Logo below:





 Online payments or to check balances please click the below link.

Online Payments: Titan School Solutions

Titan School Solutions


Michelle Higgs 415-492-3572

Brandon Poulter 415-457-5033

Alan Downing 415-491-6499

For your child’s ID number

Thank you!





Meal Charge Policy


Meal Charge Standard Practice 22-23






Welcome to SRCS Food and Nutrition Services Department!


We know that good nutrition and learning go hand in hand.  It is our goal to provide appealing, healthy and nutritious meals to our students to ensure they can meet the highest academic standards.  We proudly serve nutritious breakfast and lunch meals every school day.  We also serve supper at our school sites that participate in our Afterschool Program.  Our school meals meet all federal standards and requirements of the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program and the Supper Program which are based on the  USDA Dietary Guidelines.  School meals offer students milk, fruits, vegetables, proteins and grains.  We meet all the current standards which include age appropriate calories, strict limits on fat and sodium, whole grains, larger servings and varieties of fruits and vegetables and we purchase local whenever possible.





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Notice: The California Revenue and Taxation Code (RTC) Section 19853(b) requires local educational agencies (LEA) that operate the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) to annually notify households about the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Information Act.

Earned Income Tax Credit Information Act Communication

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