Instructions for Outside Organizations

Our District cooperates with community groups and noncommercial organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students by distributing materials electronically via Peachjar to District families. As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology and maintain fiscal responsibility, we are using electronic flyer delivery as our primary method of flyer distribution.
To request flyer approval, follow the steps below. Once approved (please see approval criteria below), your flyer will be emailed to parents at selected schools and posted online.
- Important: Read the SRCS Flyer Approval Policies in the next section below
- Visit
- Once at, register as an Enrichment or Community Organization (account type)
- Once registered via Peachjar, complete the process to upload your flyer for approval
Your flyer will automatically be submitted to the District office. District staff will review the material and approve or deny based on the standards described below. Organizations pay a small service fee to post and distribute eflyers (typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers) only if they charge for their program/service.
Some schools many continue to distribute some flyers in print, or have copies available in the front office. In these cases, SRCS will contact you after your flyers have been approved through Peachjar for information on the next steps.
NOTE: If you are a parent group at one of our SRCS schools, these instructions do not apply. instructions.
If you have any questions, please contact
All flyers to be distributed must:
- Support the basic educational mission of the district, directly benefit the students, or be of intrinsic value to the students or their parents/guardians.
- Be in PDF format.
- Contain font sizes not less than size 12.
- Contain the name and contact information of the sponsoring entity.
- Be submitted in both English and Spanish. Flyers can have multiple pages, but should be submitted as one document, and you will only be charged for one flyer. Organizations must provide an accurate translation-- be advised free online language translation service such as Google Translate will not be approved, because the translations are inaccurate.
Criteria for flyer approval:
- Interested agencies must be local non-profit organizations or be affiliated with San Rafael City Schools.
- Announcements must related to classes or activities for children (Parks and Recreation, Falkirk, SwimMarin, etc.).
- No notices for private lessons, tutoring, etc.
- No advertisements for private businesses.
Flyers will NOT be approved that:
- Are not accurately translated.
- Are lewd, obscene, libelous or slanderous.
- Incite students to commit unlawful acts, violate school rules, or disrupt the orderly operation of the schools.
- Proselytize religious beliefs
- Position the district on any side of a controversial issue.
- Discriminate against, attack or denigrate any group on account of gender, race, age, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability or other unlawful consideration.
- Promote the use or sale of materials or services that are illegal or inconsistent with school objectives, including, but not limited to, materials or advertisements for tobacco, intoxicants, and movies or products unsuitable for children
- Solicit funds or services for an organization, with the exception of solicitations authorized in Board policy.