About Early Intervention
Location: Old Gallinas Children's Center, Building C 251 North San Pedro Rd., San Rafael, CA
The San Rafael City Schools Early Intervention is a therapy-based program that provides a continuum of programs and related services to support children with disabilities in the educational process in the least restrictive environment. Such services may include but not limited to: Specialized Academic Instruction, Speech and Language, Occupation Therapy, and Physical Therapy.
Through each child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP), our special education credentialed specialists engage our young students in developmentally appropriate learning through research-based instructional strategies and play-based interventions that support each student’s specific IEP goals to further develop his/her school readiness skills before moving to Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten.
The SRCS Early Intervention program believes in the dignity of each individual and the provision of a safe, creative, and engaging learning environment for the students that we serve.
Early Intervention Classes
Location: Old Gallinas Children's Center, Building C
There are currently morning (AM) and afternoon (PM) classes.
- AM Classes: Meets 5 days per week (Monday through Friday 8:45-11:45)
- PM Classes: Meets 4 days per week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 12:30-3:30).
Students who participate in the classes present with delays in multiple areas of development which require a more integrated approach to learning and support. The School Psychologist, Speech and Language Pathologist, and Occupational Therapist work collaboratively with the early childhood special education teachers to support each child according to the Integrated Therapy Model of service delivery. Weekly occupational therapy motor group is provided in each classroom.
Speech Language & Learning Groups
Location: Old Gallinas Children's Center, Building C
Our SLLG’s are small groups of students (2-4) who have been identified to have delays in their language skills, whether that is receptive language, expressive language, articulation, and/or social pragmatics. The SLLG’s meet with the Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP). On-going consultation and support for parents is provided through home-school connections and the encouraged use of language strategies
Preschool Groups
San Rafael Locations: San Pedro ES, De Colores, Canal Child Care, Pickleweed, Parkside
For those families who have been accepted to the above federal or state subsidized full-day or part-day preschool programs AND have met the SRCS enrollment requirements, the special education services may be provided within the context of the preschool program whenever possible with ongoing consultation with the PreK teachers and parents.
4-Step Referral Process
Step 1 Initial Intake
Contact the district’s bi-lingual community liaison at 415) 492-3238 or email kherschkorn@srcs.org to request an assessment and intake in order to provide information about your child’s background, most recent hearing/vision screening, and your specific concerns.
Step 2: Address Verification
Parent/guardian will be requested to provide 2 proofs of residency dated within the last 60 days and verification of child’s date of birth (Birth Certificate) and Release/Exchange
Please email to kherschkorn@srcs.org or mail/drop off at San Rafael City Schools Student Services Early Intervention, 310 Nova Albion Way, San Rafael, CA 94903
Step 3: Assessment Planning Team
After receiving the verification of address and the child’s date of birth, the multi-disciplinary team will meet and review the intake information and must reply within fifteen (15) calendar days with a written Assessment Plan (AP) for your child, or Prior Written Notice (PWN) letter explaining why an assessment will not be conducted
Step 4: Assessment and development of an Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Once the complete Assessment Plan packet is received with parent consent, the district has 60 calendar days to assess the child in the suspected areas of need and schedule the IEP meeting with the parent/guardian. At this meeting, the IEP team will discuss the assessment results, determine eligibility, construct goals, and identify needed programs, supports, and/or services. The IEP team is a collaboration between parents, assessors, and any other necessary individuals.
Evaluations are done at the Early Intervention Assessment Center at Old Gallinas Children’s Center or when appropriate, may also be conducted at the child’s preschool site.

Public Preschools*
Community Action Marin (CAM) Children and Family Services
Locations: De Colores, San Pedro ES, Old Gallinas Children’s Center, Canal Children’s Center
Submit Service Inquiry Form
Phone: 415.526.7500
Email clientintake@camarin.org
555 Northgate Drive, Ste 201
San Rafael, CA 94903
City of San Rafael Preschools
Locations: Pickleweed, Parkside
Pickleweed Preschool Parkside Preschool
40 Canal Street 51 Albert Park Lane
San Rafael CA 94901 San Rafael, CA 94901
(415) 485-3101 (415) 485-3387
*Please check the website for any private preschools you might be interested in.

DISTRICT VISION: Every student will be a confident learner, an effective communicator, a critical thinker, and a positive contributor to the global community.
This program is for preschool-aged children who qualify for special education and who live within the district boundaries. The purpose of EI is to lessen the effects of a disability or delay.
Services are designed to identify and meet a child’s specific needs which may include such areas as Cognitive development, communication, motor development, social or emotional development, and adaptive functioning to further develop his/her school readiness skills before moving to Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten.

Student Services
310 Nova Albion Way
San Rafael, CA 94903
If you have concerns about your preschool-aged child’s development and live within the district boundaries, please call our Bilingual Community Liaison for an EI intake:
Kathia Herschkorn
Early Intervention Program Coordinator
Alison Baum
Coordinator, Early Learning Center
35 Marin Street, San Rafael, CA 94901
(415) 485-1719 x 1501
Administrative Assistant
Mary Bartels
Director, Special Education – ESD
Leigh-Anna Booher