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After Care and Expanded Learning Opportunities

Intersession and Summer Sign ups

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After Care and Expanded Learning Opportunities

San Rafael City Schools provides high-quality after-care and out-of-school time options at all of our elementary and middle schools. Through both the Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP) and the After School Enrichment and Safety (ASES) programs, we provide this service free to families who qualify (see below). These programs begin at the end of the school day and close at either 6:00 pm or 6:30 pm (depending on the school day). Our programs are offered in partnership with Bay Area Community Resources (BACR), the YMCA, and the City of San Rafael. Space is currently limited. 

Under the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) requirements and district priority areas, students who meet at least one of the following criteria will be given priority:

  • Multilingual (English Language Learner) 
  • Free or reduced-price meal eligibility
  • Homeless/foster youth 
  • Siblings of students with the above criteria at the same school 

All other students in the following order: Siblings, Youngest students to oldest students, students who need and stay for 5 days a week and through the duration of the program.

If you do not qualify under the above criteria, you should still apply. We will have spaces available for families who do not meet these criteria and still need aftercare programs. These spaces will be priced on a sliding scale. 


Families that apply to participate will be notified of enrollment status by the beginning of May for the 2024 – 2025 school year. Families who apply after the initial enrollment period will be notified in an ongoing manner. 



SRCS Summer 2024 Impact Report

ELOP Program Plan

After-School Program Hours

SRCS Offer Letter



Expanded Learning Opportunity Coordinator

Mike Taylor
