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SRCS Updates (Oct.): News from around the District for our SRCS Community

Posted Date: 10/17/24 (3:27 PM)

Grant for AP Tests, College Prep Resources

We're thrilled that the local nonprofit, Karma Club Teen, has launched its new FuturePrep program, designed to provide equitable college preparation resources to all Terra Linda High School and San Rafael High School students. Thanks to a generous grant from an anonymous family education foundation and individual donors, FuturePrep will help level the playing field for low- to mid-income students by covering key college prep expenses and offering professional college guidance. Learn more. 

Located in Northgate Mall, Karma Club is focused on empowering underserved youth by providing a supportive after-school safe haven that bolsters overall wellbeing through opportunities for social health and future-readiness. Register teens to use the spaceFollow their updates

SRCS Shows Improvement in State Tests

The State recently released the 2023-24 standardized test results. These include the tests that measure student proficiency in English Language Arts (ELA) and math for grades 3-8 and grade 11, and the ELPAC, which measures English language skill development for English learners. 

In SRCS, we are pleased to see gains in both our Elementary School District (ESD) and High School District (HSD). Below is an overview of our improvement over the prior year in the percentage of students who met or exceeded grade-level standards, as well as the overall results for the State for comparison.

English Lang. Arts Math
SRCS ESD +1.2 to 35.5% +0.9 to 33.9%
SRCS HSD +11.1 to 60.5% +5.4 to 28.6%
State +0.4 to 47.0% +0.9 to 35.5%

When we look deeper into our data in comparison with the year before, we are especially encouraged by the notable improvement in performance of our middle and high school students. Additionally, when looking at the ELPAC results, we are proud that we made gains in both ESD and HSD; this did not mirror the State trends, which saw slight decreases. Our teachers are doing outstanding work, and we also recognize that we have more work to do across the District to meet all our students’ academic, social and emotional needs.

While important, these test results are just one way to look at how our students are doing. As a reminder, individual student score reports have been available in the Aeries Parent Portal. Learn more about our results.

Every Day Counts: Attendance During Cold and Flu Season

Showing up to school every day is critical for children’s well-being, engagement and learning. As we head into the typical cold and flu season, we recognize that sometimes students are too ill to attend school, and that's OK! 

Please make sure to send your child to school if they are generally healthy and well. However, if you have questions about when to keep your child home if they are not feeling well, the California Department of Public Health has put together a flyer with recommendations. Review the information for a list of symptoms (such as fever, vomiting, sore throat, coughing, etc.) and recommended actions about staying home and returning [English | Spanish]. Be sure to contact a health care provider if your child needs medical care. Note that in most situations, a health-care provider’s note is not needed to return.

Capital Facilities Improvements Wrap Up as Others Begin

Please check out the "Sizzle Reel" (right) to see the newly-completed Venetia Valley Middle School Quad, which will be known as the "Falcon's Nest!" The VV middle school community recently celebrated this very welcome improvement to their campus at a ribbon cutting ceremony.

In addition to the ongoing construction throughout the District, we are preparing for new projects to start next summer. Much of this work will focus on improving the learning environments, including HVAC issues. As part of this, the bond program will be addressing our three remaining schools with primary classrooms that are not yet fully equipped with air conditioning. Sun Valley and San Pedro's A/C installments are scheduled to be complete after next summer (we anticipate in time for next school year) and Glenwood's A/C project will be implemented in two phases over the next two summers. In the meantime, the District has recently installed temporary A/C units for those classrooms without.  

More information about all our projects and weekly updates are available on our School Projects pages at

DELAC Meetings: Recap and Resources

SRCS’ District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) is a group dedicated to advising on programs and services for English learners in our District. The committee is composed of parents of English learners and school staff who work together to provide input on key topics that directly affect our multilingual learners 

At our recent DELAC meetings, we covered a range of important topics. Click here for the September presentation and here for the October presentation; and here is a helpful video from the California Department of Education (CDE) in both English and Spanish on how to understand your student’s ELPAC test report. *Please note, that the ELPAC is administered annually only to students who speak a native, or home language other than English who have not yet been reclassified to be fluent English proficient.  Learn more about DELAC.

Free Public Library Cards for All Students

We are proud to partner with the San Rafael Public Library and the Marin County Free Library to expand student access to educational and entertaining books, homework help, movies and more. Librarians from the San Rafael Public Library and Marin County Free Library will provide every TK-12th grade student with a free library card. (If your child already has a card, both cards may be used and will work.) Elementary students will receive them at school and middle and high school students can use their student ID as a library card. 

Our local libraries are places for children, families and caregivers to connect, learn and grow together. Research indicates:
  • Children who have library cards and visit the library perform better in school.
  • Public library staff help students learn how to do age-appropriate Internet searches and participate in online tutoring and using resources for homework help using free, public-access computers.
  • A library card is the most important school supply.
SRPL and MCFL do not charge fines for items returned late. You still must return items to avoid replacement charges. Click here if you do not wish for your child to have a free library card [EnglishSpanish]. 

Budget Advisory Meetings

We're preparing for our Budget Advisory Committee meetings for this school year. Meetings for the Elementary School District and High School District will be in January, March and one additional spring date (held in the District Office from 4:15 - 5:15). Learn more and sign up for committee meetings.

These meetings are an opportunity to discuss the financial operations of the districts, including budget development, budget adoption, resource development, revenues and expenditures and serve as a vehicle for communication about these issues.  

Artificial Intelligence Task Force

SRCS is forming a TK-12 working group on the topic of Artificial Intelligence in K12 education. This group will be considering aspects of this technology in relation to educator and student use for teaching and learning with the goal of bringing recommendations to the Board of Education. 

We are specifically seeking elementary, middle school and high school parents, as well as a DELAC parent representative, to participate. Four evening virtual meetings will be held this school year starting in January. Some knowledge or experience with artificial intelligence is useful to have for this group. If you are interested in joining in this collaborative work, please complete this form. 

Board Resolutions

The SRCS Board of Education adopted the following resolutions at their recent meetings:

Civic Engagement and Youth Voting

Our high schools have recently engaged in non-partisan, civic learning opportunities to motivate students to be active participants in democracy and to think about voting. 

Terra Linda High School AP Government students (pictured) conducted a voter registration drive and registered and pre-registered 374 juniors and seniors in honor of National Voter Registration Day on Sept. 17. At San Rafael High School, representatives from Canal Alliance's "A Votar, Marin" campaign conducted voter outreach in all of the twelfth grade social studies classes. Many students registered (and pre-registered, for 16- and 17-year-olds). Students learned about how to research what will be on the November ballot and about how to increase voter registration in our community.

Seeking Future SRCS Educators; Apply for Teacher Residency Program

Are you interested in becoming a teacher? Do you have a Bachelor's degree? Are you interested in obtaining a teacher credential and Master's degree at the same time? If you answered yes to these questions, then the Alder Teacher Residency Program with SRCS is for you!

We are thrilled to be recruiting our third cohort of residents for the upcoming 2025-26 school year. A $40,000 living stipend is provided, in addition to other benefits. As an affordable and supportive pathway to a rewarding and successful teaching career, SRCS is invested in this program as a way to both expand our teacher pipeline and diversify our teaching staff.  Program flyer  |  Financial aid info  |  Application

New Educators Celebrated at Chamber Event 

SRCS is a proud member of the San Rafael Chamber, and we were well-represented at the Chamber's event to welcome new educators on Sept. 18! 

This annual event is a wonderful opportunity for the greater business community to connect with and recognize our new staff for their dedication to education and nurturing our future workforce.

Vacant Classified Positions

We are excited to have you join our team at SRCS! We have a wide variety of either full-time or part-time positions such as custodians, campus supervisors, instructional assistants, college and career advisors and more. Click here for more details of our vacant classified positions and contact Human Resources at  415-492-3212 or with questions.

Summer Program Reflections

Looking back at this past summer, we were thrilled to host students TK-12 for various summer learning experiences. In partnership with several community groups, we enrolled over 1,000 elementary and middle school students for programs that focused on creating joyful and enriching opportunities. Read the 2024 Summer Impact Report to learn more about the TK-8 experience.  

For our high school students, the summer programs included enrichment and academic acceleration and support opportunities. A highlight was a trip to Muir Woods (pictured), where students could disconnect from technology and instead reflect on their connection to nature. The integrated Algebra 1 course, which highlighted the use of mathematics in STEM fields, also joined for the Muir Woods trip. The adventure allowed students to become real scientists in their field and practice the application of their math skills outside of a worksheet focused environment. They were able to apply their knowledge of concepts like slope, intercepts and variables to the tree ring sizes and the growth of the redwoods. 

Monthly Tech Tips: Safe Online Behavior

As kids grow up spending more and more time online — for entertainment and for learning — it's important that they know how to stay safe. This month's tips are from Common Sense Media on online safety.  
  • Whether they're playing multiplayer games or using social media, guide your children to be responsible by going over some basic rules of internet safety for grades K–5.  
  • For any age, talk about your family's rules and expectations for behavior and being mindful of what they share online. This can go a long way in supporting your children's safety and well-being.
Eyes Up, Marin - Let’s Make our Streets Safer

You may see bright and colorful banners, lawn signs and social media posts popping up all over Marin asking people to keep their “Eyes Up” and be alert. These signs ask drivers to slow down, watch when turning and look for pedestrians in the crosswalk; bicyclists to yield to pedestrians and to follow the rules of the road; and those walking to pay attention when crossing the street.

The campaign is part of the Street Smarts Program and Safe Routes to Schools, locally funded programs of the Transportation Authority of Marin. Learn more and find resources. 

San Rafael City Schools  |
310 Nova Albion Way, San Rafael, CA 9490