SRCS has launched a provisional appointment process to fill an open seat on its Board of Education. Candidates must reside in SRCS Trustee Area 2. Applications are due on Feb. 6 at 4 pm. Public interviews of candidates will take place at a Special Board Meeting on Feb. 10 at 4 pm.
View the application | View the trustee area map | Learn more
Our thoughts are with everyone impacted by the devastating fires in Los Angeles. We are heartbroken for the school communities that are in the fire zones, and also recognize that many of us have family and friends in the affected areas.
Below are a few of many options if you are interested and able to support the ongoing relief efforts. We've also included some helpful tips for parents and educators for talking with children about disaster and wildfires. Lastly, we've shared some reminders about local emergency preparedness.
Donation Opportunities
Resources for Discussions about Disasters
Marin Emergency Preparedness
Ready Marin has helpful resources, including guidance on preparing a plan and putting together a Go Bag.
- Find tips and resources to protect your family and home at FireSafeMarin.
- Sign up for AlertMarin to receive local emergency alerts.
- Stay updated during emergencies with Marin's Public Emergency Portal.
- Check that SRCS has your current contact information, such as cell number and emergency contacts, in Aeries [TK-8th Gr. Portal | 9-12th Gr. Portal]. This information is under Student Info/Contacts.
SRCS Students Recognized at Heart of Marin Awards
Earlier this month, the Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership held their annual Heart of Marin celebration. The ceremony was attended by over 500 attendees from the Marin nonprofit, government and business communities.
In the category of "Youth Volunteer of the Year," we are proud that Terra Linda High School students Jaquelyn Barrios, Annie Carmona, Candice Lucas and Adriana Martinez were nominated for their work with local non profits and Candice (pictured right) went on to be recognized as an award recipient for her volunteer efforts with the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy. Special thanks to San Rafael High School students Jack McCall and Catherine Tzul Gonzalez for serving on the review committee and presenting the awards. We're also thrilled that Michelene Moayedi, our HeadsUp Executive Director, was nominated in the "Excellence in Leadership" area! |
TK and Kindergarten Enrollment
Enrollment is underway for new Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Kindergarten students for the upcoming 2025-26 school year. The information below may be helpful for your own family if you have younger children, or to share with neighbors and friends.
TK Eligibility (expanded!): Children who will be FOUR-years-old on or before Sept. 1, 2025.
Kindergarten Eligibility: Children who will be FIVE-years-old on or before Sept. 1, 2025.
Note that current TK students DO NOT need to re-enroll for kindergarten.
Registration: You can start the process online. Families can also visit the Student Enrollment & Family Center (District Office, 310 Nova Albion Way).
Dual Language Program: Our thriving Dual Language Program will continue to grow at Venetia Valley School, and we're now enrolling new TK and Kindergarten students.
Informational Sessions: Are you, or do you know a local family, who is interested in learning more about TK or Kindergarten? The District is hosting sessions for parents who are considering TK or Kindergarten for their child.
Open to All Interested SRCS Families
At Bahia Vista Elementary School Wednesday, Feb. 5, 6 - 7 pm Presented in Spanish with English interpretation |
At Coleman Elementary School Tuesday, Feb. 11, 6 - 7 pm Presented in English with Spanish interpretation |
District and school leaders, along with teachers, will share information and answer questions about our programs, what the typical school day entails, our Dual Language Program, aftercare opportunities, how to enroll and more.
Learn more: View this flyer or contact the Student Enrollment & Family Center: 415-492-3236,, 310 Nova Albion Way
Capital projects and improvements across our District continue to progress thanks to our Bond Program!
Here are some quick updates:
- We are continuing with construction on new TK classroom buildings at Coleman, Glenwood, Sun Valley and Venetia Valley with anticipated completion in May 2025. This month, the newly-installed TK play structure at Glenwood opened (pictured right)!
- The final touches for the Venetia Valley Middle School Quad were completed over the Winter Break, and students are enjoying this new common space.
- For the Davidson MPR, the Division of the State Architect reviews issued final approvals, and now construction of Phase 2 can begin.
- At SRHS and TLHS, construction is ongoing for the PE complex and Aquatic Centers projects. Learn more: SRHS | TLHS. The TLHS Wellness Center is scheduled to open in the next few months.
Summer 2025 Construction This summer, every school in our District will have some level of construction except for Laurel Dell and the Early Learning Center. Below is a quick review of the summer projects. Note that not all projects will be complete after the summer; many of the larger projects will be ongoing:
- Bahia Vista: New TK Playground and all-weather field
- Coleman: New K Playground, upper grade play yard improvements and MPR acoustics improvements
- Davidson: New MPR, all-weather field and kiln room
- Glenwood: New HVAC (phase 1), electrical main service upgrade, fire alarm and data cabling
- San Pedro: New HVAC, fire alarm and all-weather field
- Sun Valley: New HVAC
- Venetia Valley: Kindergarten classroom modernization and landscape improvements
- SRHS: PE complex and Aquatic Center, new fire alarm, LA Building HVAC and new roof and Music Building new roof
- Madrone: New fire alarm
- TLHS: PE complex and Aquatic Center, new fire alarm, new fence and gates, new toilets and main building and administration new roof
- District Office: Modernization of Enrollment and Payroll offices, new roof
New Year's Attendance Resolutions |
 As we return from the Winter Break, we are maintaining our focus on the importance of school attendance and we want to start 2025 on a high note! Here are some possible New Year's Attendance Resolutions for your family to consider:
Be consistent - Set a routine for your child with a regular bedtime schedule. Use alarm clocks and have all the items you need for the day prepared.
Be organized - Avoid booking medical appointments and extended trips when school is in session.
Be direct - Talk to your child about the importance of being at school on time, everyday.
Be mindful - Track and monitor days your child misses school. Work with your school to improve attendance. Take notice of positive steps!
Be healthy - Keep your child active and ensure they have plenty of rest so they are refreshed, recharged and ready to learn!
The SRCS Board of Education adopted the following resolutions at their recent meetings:
Monthly Tech Tips: Setting Healthy Gaming Habits
Gaming can be a fun way for kids to connect with others, be creative and learn. If you're trying to make sense of the games your children are into, you can start with Common Sense's extensive guides on Roblox, Minecraft and Fortnite. It's a good idea to set kids up for positive experiences by talking with them about safe online behavior and the importance of privacy. You can also have check-ins about the amount of time they spend gaming and help them set healthy limits.
Eyes Up Marin – Watch for Pedestrians |
At this time of year, it’s especially important to watch out for people walking and rolling.
- Slow down and use caution when driving in hard-to-see conditions, such as nighttime or in bad weather.
- Be prepared to stop when turning, entering a crosswalk, driveway or intersection.
- Children can be unpredictable. Go slowly and be on the lookout along school routes and intersections.
Let’s protect our most vulnerable road users. Remember: Eyes Up!